Sem-I-No Grotto was founded in 1947 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Our first Monarch was John D. Workman. For a list of all Past Monarchs, click the link below.
There is not a line of light from the first step as we enter the outer courts, to the last in the Holy of Holies of its Mystic Temple. Truth, everlasting is the foundation on which this basis its votaries by bonds of brotherhood.
Sem-I-No Grotto, in conjunction with the Widows Sons first visited the ranch in 2017. The Sem-I-No Grotto ladies group brought the project to the group, and we have been growing ever since. Today, Gulfstream Lodge No. 245, Garden Lodge No. 366, Palmwood Lodge No. 303 and BYKOTA Lodge No. 333, the Shriner’s Clown unit along with the Widows Son’s have made major donations to the children. Recently the Widows Son’s donated two pair of new shoes to every child at the ranch. Santa Roy Strohacker and Santa Mark Higgs attend our Holiday Picnic presenting personalized gifts for each child. Thanks to all the Masonic Brothers.